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Admissions for Graduate Programs [Studying in the English language]

※As of the "Student Status" for 2025 entry , please check Student Status.
※As of the "Number of Applicants and Successful Candidates," please visit Number of Applicants and Successful Candidates
※As of the "Admissions FAQ", please visit Admissions FAQ

Admissions Guide

Graduate Programs

2025 Entrance Examination 

You can send a request for admissions guide (book) from here. The university's prescribed forms downloaded from the website can be used for application.

Number of Applicants and Successful Candidates

Graduate School for Acadmic Year 2024 (Japanese)[PDF 242KB]

For those who apply for Global MBA Course / Master's Degree Program, Global Business and Management Studies, or International Science and Technology Course, please download the Admissions Guide from each web page.

Graduate School of Business [Global MBA Program / Master's Degree Program, Global Business and Management Studies]
International Science and Technology Course

*It is available to pay the application fee by credit-card on the internet (for particular courses only).
For more details, please visit here.