Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship Program

For students applying for the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship Program (Postgraduate level Research Students and Japanese Studies Students recommended by a Japanese embassy)

(Research Students)
Your initial status at Doshisha University will most likely be Special Student (Research Student). If you wish to obtain a degree at Doshisha, you will need to take an examination to change your status from Special Student to Regular Student after arriving in Japan. Prior to application, you are advised to check the availability of a graduate school or major relevant to your purpose of study and research plan, and which graduate school the professor that you wish to work with belongs to. Gathering enough such information in advance is important to avoid disappointment after enrollment. Accredited by MEXT as a 'Designated Japanese-Language Training Institution' , our university’s Center for Global Education and Japanese Studies offers a special program of Japanese language and traditional culture to MEXT Scholarship recipients who are required to participate in preparatory Japanese language courses.
(Japanese Studies Students)
We offer one-year program from September specialized in Japanese language, comprehensive studies and culture to MEXT Scholarship Students who major in Japanese and related fields in their universities abroad.
The curriculum consists of four subjects: “Japanese language”, “Japanese language training”, “Japanese studies” and “International studies”. The students are divided into nine levels from the beginner to the advanced course according to the results of Placement Test at school entry.
Related Information |
List of Faculties All undergraduate schools are available here. |
List of Graduate Schools All graduate schools are available here. |