Japanese Language Training after Arriving in Japan
Designated Japanese-Language Training Institution

Doshisha University Center for Global Education and Japanese Studies is accredited by MEXT as a 'Designated Japanese-Language Training Institution' (institution for preliminary Japanese language training). 'Designated Japanese Language Training Institution' is an institution that provides intensive Japanese language training to the MEXT Scholarship recipients (graduate school level Research Students recommended by the Japanese embassy) who are required by MEXT to participate in a Japanese language course for the first six months after their arrival in Japan until they begin their advanced education.
The Center for Global Education and Japanese Studies offers a special program for these students to learn Japanese language and traditional culture.
Meticulous Training in Japanese Language

Not only the above graduate school level Research Students recommended by the Japanese embassy but all MEXT Scholarship recipients enrolled at Doshisha University can take Japanese language and culture subjects offered by the Center for Global Education and Japanese Studies if they need to improve their Japanese skills for their advanced education (research).