1. JASSO International Student Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan
The scholarship offered by JASSO (Japanese Student Services Organization) is available for those who have
outstanding academic records. Exchange students will be provided 80,000 yen per month up to 10 months.
Number of grantees may be subject to change.
To apply for the Scholarship, please fill in the required form (in the Application Pack) and submit it along
with the other application documents of the exchange program by the given deadline. We will select qualified
applicants and recommend them to JASSO who will make the final decision upon the scholarship applications.
※JASSO scholarship is very competitive. Not all applicants can receive JASSO scholarship.
※Recieving JASSO scholarship is not guaranteed, so please do not consider JASSO scharlship as your financial
resouse for the application of the Ceritificate of Eligibility.
2. Special Scholarship agreement with partner institutions
The terms of scholarship agreements may vary depending upon Doshisha-partner institutions. Students are required to contact the coordinator of their home institutions for further details.